Developing teams in the moment
As teams are asked to deliver at greater pace and with today’s virtual workplace, the luxury of time for off-the-job team development is challenging.
Feeling into the future roundtable – November 2020
As organisations are having to respond increasingly quickly and with a relentless focus on performance, our roundtable aimed to provide a sense-making space for the challenges leaders now face.
Navigating complexity: when either/or just won’t do
Are the dilemmas we face decisions to be made or polarities to be navigated? And how can we move beyond either/or thinking towards both/and thinking to find more creative solutions.
Leadership assessment for uncertain times
The value of using a ‘vertical assessment lens’ in addition to more traditional assessments. Assessing for a person's (often hidden) sense-making capacities’ reflects a light on individuals’ worldviews and patterns of action.
Thrive in complexity with capacities you didn’t even realise you had
Today’s world is chaotic and complex. There’s more change than ever before, and the pace is relentless. A lighter visual look at how the concept of vertical development can help us thrive with capacities we may not even have realised we have.
Doing as we’ve always advocated – navigating through experience
The sudden and unexpected outbreak of the pandemic has undoubtedly taken us all by surprise and confronted us with immense new challenges. We take a look at some approaches to find a way through challenging times.
Leadership in a VUCA world
Leaders can keep on developing their capacity to adapt to increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. What are the capacities which can be developed to enable a leader to survive and thrive under VUCA conditions?
Leadership is about changing your mind
It is possible to continue developing your mental capacity as an adult. We look at the conditions and programs which help to 'exercise greater capacity building' or vertical development and growth, amongst leaders.
Four stages of leadership development
Individuals' thoughts, feelings and behaviours are influenced by their respective stage of development. People at different stages therefore tend to operate differently when faced with the same situation because the logic that underpins their actions is different. We look at four developmental stages.
A leader’s guide for navigating the coronavirus fallout
This isn’t a medical guide, but a guide for navigating the complexity of the coronavirus fallout.
Holiday reads to reboot your leadership
A selection from the past few months of our most popular articles and videos which we think are worth adding to your reading list.
Seeing things differently in a very different world
Francois Coumau shares his views on the different environments within which leaders are now operating and explains how MDV’s developmental assessment is helping him to see things differently.
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