
Developmental Assessment: The power of person-centric assessment

The added value of using developmental assessments in a VUCA environment to provide a platform for self-directed behavioural change whilst building leadership capability able to respond to the fluid environment in which they operate.


Walking the walk: behavioural assessments

Increasingly clients are using behavioural assessments in their procurement processes. But are they just another box ticking exercise?


Is your graduate selection differentiating the best from the rest?

Enhancing graduate selection to identify and retain the very best.


How do you solve a problem like behaviour?

There are clear benefits for assessing behaviours in construction and contracting procurement. We look at the business case for this as part of Highways England's Smart Highways project


Reading time: 10 mins

#BehaviouralAssessment #Construction #Procurement

Behavioural assessments for clients explained

The best way to approach behavioural assessment in procurement.


Reading time: 7 mins

#BehaviouralAssessment #Procurement #Construction #Contracting

Developing a new reality for behavioural assessment in procurement

Write-up from the Behavioural Assessment in Procurement seminar.


Personality and Corporate Culture

The role of personality and corporate culture in driving good conduct and compliance.


Generation Z

Are you ready for the arrival of the digital natives? We talk to companies about they are preparing to engage with Gen Z and for a multi-generational workforce.


Reading time: 8 mins

#GenerationZ #Milliennials #Talent #Engagement

Top Tips for Successful Career Transitions

Our roundtable discusses the need, challenges and approaches for successful career transitions and onboarding.


Taking Transitions Seriously

In all walks of life career transitions are difficult and often unsuccessful, if research is to be believed.


Leadership in the eye of the storm

Developing leadership as a practice.


Driving performance: what really works?

Our roundtable offers insights and practical advice about driving performance in your organisations.
